

Breast cancer radiotherapy:

Radiotherapy most often involves directing x-rays from the outside of the body to areas where cell division is too rapid in order to destroy them.

Radiotherapy is a common treatment for breast cancer.


After breast conserving surgery (both invasive and in situ cancer) radiotherapy is key in order to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence in the remaining tissue area.

Usually radiotherapy is given to the whole of the remaining breast tissue.

The radiotherapy dose is spread over 5 or 6 weeks with 5 treatments per week. This method can be modified to cater for certain situations such as reduced mobility. In such cases the radiotherapy team can reduce the number of weekly treatments.

Modern techniques allow for customizing radiotherapy treatment doses.

If the lymph nodes have been attacked they can also be treated with radiotherapy. If the primary cancer originates in the lymphatic system then this too can be treated with radiotherapy.

The best treatment plan is chosen by the radiotherapist after detailed discussion within the ICM framework.


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