Clear direct contraindications include:
- Pregnancy
- A genital infection (recent or ongoing)
- Uterine malformation that renders the uterine cavity inadequate for the IUD to function
- Unexplained genital bleed (this requires explanation before proceeding with IUD placement)
- Uterine cancer(s) in which case the situation being addressed is no longer contraception
- Valvular heart disease (because of the risk of infection)
Indirect contraindications include:
- History of extra-uterine (ectopic) pregnancy
- Uterine myomas (fibromas) including deformation of the uterine cavity
- Heavy menses
- Hypersensitivity, or allergy to copper IUD (Wilson’s disease)
Contraindications related to (Mirena®) LNg:
- Deep vein thrombosis (phlebitis), pulmonary embolism (ongoing)
- Migraines with neurological symptoms
- Breast cancer
- Ischemic heart disease
- Liver disease
Hormone dependent tumours linked to hormonal IUDs