ICM Principles

What is an ICM:  Interdisciplinary Consultation Meetings (ICM)?

Mmeeting       That is meeting face-to-face.
C = concertation  Discussing the medical records of each patient as a particular case according to the current standards but also according to the individual characteristics of each patient.
I interdisciplinary This meeting brings together all the physicians playing a role in the treatment of cancer:  surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, radiotherapists, clinical pharmacologists,

This ICM has been established according to the criteria defined by the French National Institute for Cancer (INCa) and the French National Authority for Health (HAS).

Quality criteria

The I.GO center’s team is committed to meet these deadlines:

  • In case of an invasive cancer, the delay between the requesting an appointment and the actual consultation is most often less than a week.
  • In case of invasive cancers, the delay between requesting an appointment and the beginning of the treatment is always less than 30 days, most often less than 15 days.
  • After a primary surgical treatment, the delay between the surgery and the postoperative ICM (RCP in French) is less than 20 days.